On Wednesday I’ll be on Writing on the Air on KOOP radio at 6 pm CDT with Jeremy Grigg talking about Endless Vacation and future projects. You can listen online or on the radio at 91.7 FM.
I discovered just how long I’ve been working on and talking about Endless Vacation when I went back to the Writing on the Air archives looking for my previous appearances and discovered I’ve talked about this story with these guys since 2009. Here’s a list of the other times I’ve been on if you’d like to give them a listen.
Dec 9, 2009: Endless Vacation and Escape from Fred (This one has some bumper music by Daniel including a rare live track from Jan 1, 2000.)
Jul 28, 2010: Endless Vacation and Muffin Man
Feb 6, 2012: Muffin Man and What Would Jesus Drink?
Rock on and check it out.