Category Archives: Blog

Quotes From Stuff I Like – Moore

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal, Christopher MooreIn honor of Columbus Day, a quote from a Christopher. Not much I liked from this book, but this one sentence spoke to me. I’d be proud to have this sentence in any novel I wrote.p. 39. He put his big paw on my shoulder and rubbed, leaving a dusty circle of affection on my shirt.


Not a big fan of poetry, but here’s a nice litte poem with translation.!*”#
|{,,SYSTEM HALTEDTranslation:Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash,
Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash,
Bang splat equal at dollar underscore,
Percent splat waka waka tilde number four,
Ampersand bracket bracket dot dot slash,
Vertical-bar curly-bracket comma comma CRASH.

A peek into the process

On this blog I mainly talk about what I’m reading, not what I’m writing, and almost never about the process of writing. But I’m powering through the first draft of my next novel and I thought one or two of you, or maybe even all three of you, might like a peek behind the plywood barriers into the construction zone. If not, move along. Nothing to see here.When people find out I’m a writer, many of them say they want to be a writer. My response is, “All you have to do is write.” It’s really that simple. If you write on a regular basis, you’re a writer. You may be a bad writer, but you’re a writer.But what most people mean when they say they want to be a writer is that they want to be published. That’s another thing, entirely.As James Scott Bell said a few days ago, “Many people say, I have a book inside me! Usually that’s the best place for it.” I would have stopped there, content to discourage the competition, but he continued with, “Learn the craft and write more than one.”I’m going to explain some of the mechanics I go through. This is not really part of the craft of writing, but it’s something I use to keep track of my level of productivity, which is important when you’re working on a deadline.When I’m in first draft, I keep a log of hours and word count. It looks like this. The first column shows the number of words in that session, then the date, start and end times, total hours, words per hour, then word count and hour count per day and per week.You can see that in this period my words-per-hour ranged from 182 (on what evidently was a particularly bad day) to 500+, which is where I like to keep it. (I once got up to 800+ words per hour in the final chapters of the first draft of Hell in a Briefcase. Oh, those were the days!) Most serious novelists have a word count target for for the finished work and a daily word count target. My routine is to set aside 2 nights a week and a significant chunk of the weekend when I’m working on a novel. As you can see from my journal, I’m not all that consistent, but I track my progress and if it gets low, like those two weeks where I only worked one day each, I kick myself into gear the next week. My goal is 8 weeks to a completed first draft. I started this novel on 12-18-09 with a 1-hour session of 330 words. My target is to be done by 2-18-10. I will cut myself some slack if I don’t make it since I had to take some family time for the holidays.I recently read a biography of P. G. Wodehouse, who wrote 90+ novels in his 90+ years. He was always very aware of word count and productivity. He did a daily 2,500 words or more during the bulk of his career, and when he was in his 80s and 90s, he still averaged 1,000 words a day.When he was 69, he had a day where he produced 27 pages while working on Barmy in Wonderland, beating his previous record of a 26-page day while working on Thank You, Jeeves, noting that “there is life in the old dog, yet.” Figure 250-300 words per page and you can see he hit around 7,000-8,000 words that day, which beats my top end so far for this novel of 4,332 for an 8-hour day on New Year’s Eve.I also track information on each chapter to try to get consistency in word count when possible, to make a note of what happens in each chapter, and a color-coded indicator that helps me in various ways depending on the project. Here’s the chart for the first 16 chapters of EV. (The first chapter is numbered zero, so Chapter 15 is really the 16th chapter.)I like to keep chapters under 2,000 words because it creates frequent stopping points, making the book more convenient to read without losing track of the story. This project is in third person with multiple viewpoints, so I’m using color coding to keep track of which character perspective the story is being told from to get a sense of where gaps might exist in the narrative. You can see in the sample above that the first 10 chapters are told from 10 diferent points of view. That’s kind of risky, but I think I can make it work.In the sample below, you can see that the rainbow we had going earlier in the book has become less variegated. For nine scenes in a 3-chapter stretch, from 29-31, we only get two points of view. That’s 5,000+ words, 17-20 pages of the novel. If I didn’t have this chart, I would have to read through the entire book to get a sense of where I might need variety to break up long sections dominated by one or two characters. With a chart like this, I can see potential problem areas in a glance. When working on my first four novels, I color coded plot lines rather than POVs, but for the same reason. If I saw a long gap where a particular subplot was not addressed, I knew I had to work in a scene to keep the plot going in the mind of the reader so they wouldn’t see it pop up 100 pages later and think, “Wait, what was that about? Who is this guy?”There. That was a bit long, but perhaps a few found it of interest. It also shows you how much of a writer geek I am and how much I obsess about this stuff. Yep, I’m a geek and I own it.

Quotes From Stuff I Like – L’Amour

In 2007 I read the entire L’Amour Sackett canon, all 19 books, as research for a writing project which got back-burnered in 2008. To give you an idea of how unorthodox this project is, I also read the entire Wodehouse Jeeves canon, all 19 books, for the same project. That’s 38 books I read for a single project which got as far as the middle of Draft 2 before being shelved. The moral lesson for wanabe writers is left as an exercise to the reader.That being said, as I read I collected quotable lines as fodder for a character in my project. Here they are. The Sackett Brand evidently was particularly good ground for gleaning said quotes.“See her, Sakim?” I said, half-turning. “That is why I dream.” “I see, I do indeed. But she is not to dream about, my friend, she is the dream!” –Barnabas Sackett in Sackett’s Land, Ch 12. . . then I was through the curtains and found myself facing a burley fellow with more confidence than is usually permitted a man. – Kin Sackett in The Warrior’s Path, Ch 13. . . judging by the size of his stomach, he was a very important man. –Echo Sackett in Ride the River, Ch 4“How many are there? Of the Sacketts, I mean?” “Nobody rightly knows, but even one Sackett is quite a few.” –Echo Sackett in Ride the River, Ch 19. . . who, judging by disposition, was sired out of a Missouri mule by a mountain lion with a sore tooth. –Tyrel Sackett in The Daybreakers, Ch7“Boys,” Pa used to say, “avoid conflict and trouble, for enough of it fetches to a man without his asking, but if you are attacked, smite them hip and thigh.” Pa was a great man for Bible speaking, but I never could see a mite of sense in striking them hip and thigh. When I had to smite them I did it on the chin or in the belly. –Tell Sackett in Sackett“You have been led upon evil ways, “I explained, “and the way of the transgressor is hard.” –Tell Sackett about to correct a wrongdoer in SackettDrusilla looked slim and pretty as a three-month-old fawn. –Tell Sackett in SackettIf he was killed I was going up to that town and read them from the Book. –Tell Sackett in SackettShe was medium tall, with a way about her that set a man to thinking thoughts best kept to himself. –Tell Sackett in Mojave CrossingShe was beautiful . . . taller than most girls . . . and shaped like music. –Nolan Sackett in Mustang ManHe’d fight anything at the drop of a hat; he’d even drop it himself. –Nolan Sackett in The Sackett BrandI’d tackle hell with a bucket of water. –Tell Sacket in The Sackett BrandShe was little but she was doing her share where it counted, judging by the way she shaped out her clothes. –Tell Sackett in The Sackett BrandOver half the country stood on end, and it was crags and boulders, brush and fallen trees. – Tell Sackett in The Sackett BrandShe was young, all right, maybe not more than 17 or 18, but there was a kind of wise look about her eyes that made me think that, girl-wise, she’d been up the creek and over the mountain. –Tell Sackett in The Sackett BrandThe men who hung out there were hard cases, men with the bark on. There were men who came into that place so rough they wore their clothes out from the inside first. – Tell Sackett in The Sackett BrandI wanted a horse whose color would fade into the country, not one that would stand out like a red nose at a teetotal picnic. –Tell Sackett in The Sackett BrandMany a time a man with whiskey in him is apt to talk too much, and suddenly realize he wished he was somewhere else. –Tell Sackett in The Sackett Brand It was rare to find two such beautiful girls in one area. Yet, on second thought, that wasn’t unusual in Texas, where beautiful girls just seemed to happen in the most unexpected places. –Milo Talon in The Man from the Broken Hills, p 144-145

The Chaos by Gerard Nolst Trenité

Here’s The Chaos, a poem that is a catalogue of about 800 of the most notorious irregularities of traditional English orthography. Background on the poem and author here.Here’s the first 4 lines.

Dearest creature in creation
Studying English pronunciation,
  I will teach you in my verse
  Sounds like corpse, corps, horse and worse.

At 274-lines, it’s long, but worth skimming. If you find this sort of thing amusing. Which I do.

Richard Thompson on recording

From Songwriters on Songwriting by Paul Zollo:Thompson: I’ve never recorded anything piece by piece. I’ve always recorded as much as possible live. To try to get something at once. And to record as fast as possible. We usually only take a couple of takes on any particular track. Two takes, three takes.Zollo: Your tracks always have the energy of a live performance. Are you singing and playing guitar live as well?Thompson: Yes. Sometimes we’l fix the vocals later. But I’m actually out there doing it.Zollo: You do the guitar solos live?Thompson: Yes.Zollo: You said recording fast is part of the approach?Thompson: The approach is to have fun. In the recording process. And not make it a job or a chore. Or a perfect thing. We’ll leave perfection to God. So we try to keep that spark and really have a good time doing it. I think there are people who can spend a long time making records and do it bit by bit and make it sound exciting and spontaneous. And that’s a kind of gift. And I really don’t have that.

Olivia Newton’s John covers Mark Heard

Holy cow. I was looking for the lyrics to Mark Heard’s Big and Strong and came across this cover. Seeing Olivia smile as she sings it leads me to believe she doesn’t quite get it. Lyrics below. Tell me what you think.

Big and Strong, words and music by Mark Heard

Strong man strangles universe--he drowns the stars
Blinded by the mission of a thousand wars
He's fit and dominant--no wonder why
He loves the battle cry

Strong man is survivor--he lives to pound
Little wooden crosses in the bloody ground
He's fit and dominant--his will is truth
His hand is absolute

And the world keeps on turning
And the sun keeps on burning
And the children keep learning
How to grow up big and strong
How to grow up big and strong

Strong man takes no prisoner--favors no plea
He leaves no gold in teeth of enemy
He's fit and dominant--rises above
He has no word that means love

And the world keeps on turning
And the sun keeps on burning
And the children keep learning
How to grow up big and strong
How to grow up big and strong